What Are Association And Sequence Identification In Business Analytics?

There are many different methods used by business analysts to study trends and patterns within large data sets during data mining. These methods are aimed at finding a correlation between different types of data. In their quest to find these correlations, many business analysts end up using a range of different techniques to identify underlying patterns and trends.

Association and sequence identification are techniques used to identify correlations in large data sets. They are a fundamental part of business analytics and play a role in helping analysts come up with important correlations at every turn.

In this article, we discuss the role of association and sequence identification.

Association Identification

Association identification is a part of business analytics which seeks to study when two or more events occur at the same time. These association identifications are important as they help predict if two events keep occurring at the same time. For instance, while studying guest behavior pattern of a restaurant, an analyst would observe that tea and biscuits are ordered at the same time.

In every field, there are some events which tend to occur together a lot of times. These patterns help analysts build prediction models and do many other different things with the data.

Sequence Identification

Sequence identification is when analysts identify a particular sequence of events happening together. Unlike association when two events or sets of data always come up together, sequence identification involves certain events and data occurrences happening in sequence.

Sequence identification is also an important technique from a data mining perspective and helps analysts study events which happen one after the other.

In Conclusion

Association and sequence identification are some of the basic aspects of business analytics every professional in the field is expected to know. These two practices help a lot in figuring out the trends and patterns which exist within large sets of data and give analysts the necessary knowledge to use this data well.

We covered both association and sequence identification as concepts of business analytics in this article. If you feel you have an interest in the field and want to learn more, there are many options to take up a good business analytics course in Delhi such as Kapil Heera Academy.

About the Author

Devesh Thakur is a well-known blogger and writer. His interests include business analysis, marketing and technology. He is regularly featured in top business digital platforms.

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